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Simple Stories Cut-Outs - My Story - 2x2/4x4 Elements
Simple Stories Cut-Outs - My Story - 3x4 Elements
Simple Stories Cut-Outs - My Story - 4x6 Elements
Simple Stories Papers - My Story - Enjoy the Moment - 2 Sheets
Simple Stories Papers - My Story - Focusing On Me - 2 Sheets
Simple Stories Papers - My Story - Take Your Time - 2 Sheets
Simple Stories Papers - My Story - Love This Life - 2 Sheets
Simple Stories Die Cuts - Bits & Pieces - My Story - Journal Bits
Simple Stories Cut-Outs - Life Captured - January
Simple Stories Cut-Outs - Life Captured - May
Simple Stories Cut-Outs - Life Captured - August
Simple Stories Cut-Outs - Life Captured - September
Simple Stories Cut-Outs - Life Captured - November
Carta Bella Cut-Outs - Here, There and Everywhere - 2x2 Journaling Cards
Carta Bella Cut-Outs - Here, There and Everywhere - 3x4 Journaling Cards
Carta Bella Cut-Outs - Here, There and Everywhere - 4x4 Journaling Cards
Carta Bella Cut-Outs - Here, There and Everywhere - 4x6 Journaling Cards
Carta Bella Papers - Here, There and Everywhere - Bright Floral - 2 Sheets
Carta Bella Papers - Here, There and Everywhere - Sweet Sprigs - 2 Sheets
Carta Bella Papers - Here, There and Everywhere - Making Memories - 2 Sheets
Carta Bella Papers - Here, There and Everywhere - Blissful Bees - 2 Sheets
Carta Bella Papers - Here, There and Everywhere - Wildflower Blooms - 2 Sheets
Carta Bella Papers - Here, There and Everywhere - Bunches of Beauty - 2 Sheets
Carta Bella Papers - Here, There and Everywhere - Adventure Awaits - 2 Sheets